WRF in Lebanon: A Chronicle of Work and Impact

In an inclusive society, we believe everyone has a dignified rightful place.

WRF closely collaborates with local and international entities, as well as individuals, to develop and implement culturally and contextually appropriate initiatives, addressing all aspects of rehabilitation and social integration without discrimination based on age, gender, ethnicity, religion, political affiliation, or geographic origin.

Our aim is to empower persons with disabilities throughout their journey and enhance their inherent dignity.



Coordination and Collaboration


The World Rehabilitation Fund continues to prioritize and actively engage in coordination and consultation with numerous stakeholders. These include organizations of persons with disabilities (PWDs), civil society organizations (CSOs), activists, entities representing refugees from Syria, service providers, relevant local and Government of Lebanon (GOL) entities. UNHCR, other concerned UN Agencies such as WHO, UNICEF, UNOCHA, UNFPA, WFP, and UNRWA, as well as concerned and relevant national and international organizations.

The focus areas of this collaboration encompass disability, rehabilitation, inclusion, protection, health, education, and humanitarian assistance. The aim is to enhance understanding of needs, challenges, risks, and mitigation actions; mainstream assistance interventions to prevent duplication; promote inclusion and resilience; improve alignment and advocacy; and mobilize resources. Leveraging its established track record and accumulated experience in Lebanon and globally, WRF continues to serve as a valuable resource to various stakeholders engaged in addressing the needs of persons with disabilities and preventing disability.